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Year 2 Lime

Class teachers - Miss Aimee Selfe 
                       Miss Hannah Blunsdon 

Please see below our Year 2 Curriculum Presentation 2023-24

year 2 curriculum evening presentation 2023.pdf




Lime Class Update - Summer 1

 What another busy term we have had in Lime Class! The children have immersed themselves in our ‘Splash!’ learning and have particularly enjoyed learning all about habitats in science. We will continue to learn about this after half term too, with a focus on beach habitats!

Our story focus this term has been ‘Meerkat Mail’ and ‘The Storm Whale’. The children have written postcards, diary entries, poems and recount stories. Next half term we will be reading books about Grace Darling in the first few weeks back.

In maths, we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have been describing and identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes, including the number of sides, edges, vertices, and faces. We have also begun to sort and compare common 2D and 3D shapes. To ensure fluency we have also been working on arithmetic questions, using our knowledge of number bonds to help us answer questions consistently and efficiently.

In art we have learnt about the different symbols in aboriginal art which originated from Australia. We have created our own artwork of our handprints and incorporated the patterns in our pictures. We have also designed, created and evaluated tie-dye t-shirts which was very exciting and they look wonderful!

In Geography, we have learnt about the continents and oceans that make up our world and the human and physical features of the seaside.

After the holidays, our summer learning will continue to be ‘Splash!’. We will learn all about compass directions, creating maps and sea safety. We are very excited for our school visit to the beach!

We hope you have a fabulous half term filled with lots of fun and sunshine!

Many thanks,

Miss Blunsdon & Miss Selfe