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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Year 1 Apple Class

Class Teacher - Miss Eleanor Morrow 
Please click here to view our Year 1 Curriculum Presentation 2024-2025



Apple Class Update - Summer 2


Here we are at the end of our final half term in Year 1! What a fantastic term it has been.

All of our learning based around our ‘Enchanted Woodland’ learning theme has been wonderful. The children had a brilliant time on our trip to Nower Wood at the start of term, where they learnt about lots of different evergreen and deciduous trees, identified and classified minibeasts, and went pond dipping for lots of different creatures.

This week we finished writing our stories based on ‘The Deep Dark Wood’ and enjoyed reading these to the children in Sycamore Class.

The children loved observing how their cress seeds grew throughout the last few weeks. I hope that they are still growing well at home, or that the cress tasted delicious in a salad or a sandwich!

Our maths learning has focused on different areas of measure – money, capacity, volume, weight and mass. We have enjoyed measuring, comparing and describing different measurements.

Finally, we have been learning about the British artist, Andy Goldsworthy. At the end of term, we are looking forward to creating our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures, using natural resources. We cannot wait to share these with you.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this year.

Miss Morrow